All Courses Taught by Sharan Majumdar at UM

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Ever since supervising Mathematical Methods and Optimization Theory courses while I was a graduate student in Cambridge, I've always enjoyed teaching. Since I moved to UM as a postdoc in 2001, I've been teaching courses at the undergraduate (U) and graduate (G) levels:

Spring 2023 Predictability G
Fall 2022 Tropical Weather and Forecasting U
Spring 2022 Hurricanes U/G
Fall 2021 Tropical Weather and Forecasting U
Spring 2020 Hurricanes U/G
Fall 2019 Tropical Weather and Forecasting U
Spring 2019 Predictability G
Fall 2018 Tropical Weather and Forecasting (New Course) U
Spring 2018 Hurricanes U/G
Fall 2017 Introduction to Atmospheric Science G
Fall 2016 Introduction to Atmospheric Science G
Spring 2016 Hurricanes (New Course) U/G
Fall 2015 Introduction to Atmospheric Science G
Spring 2015 Predictability G
Fall 2014 Introduction to Atmospheric Science G
Fall 2013 Weather Forecasting U
Fall 2013 Introduction to Atmospheric Science G
Fall 2012 Weather Forecasting U
Spring 2012 Predictability (New Course) G
Fall 2011 Weather Forecasting U
Fall 2010 Weather Forecasting U
Fall 2009 Weather Forecasting U
Spring 2009 Weather and Climate U
Fall 2008 Weather Forecasting U
Spring 2008 Weather and Climate U
Fall 2007 Weather Forecasting U
Fall 2007 Atmospheric Dynamics II U
Spring 2003-Fall 2006 Seminars in Meteorology and Physical Oceanography G
Fall 2006 Weather Forecasting U
Fall 2005 Weather Forecasting U
Spring 2004 Atmospheric Dynamics II U
Fall 2003 Synoptic Meteorological Laboratory G
Fall 2003 Weather Forecasting U
Spring 2003 Atmospheric Dynamics II U
Spring 2003 Atmospheric Dynamics I U
Fall 2002 Synoptic Meteorological Laboratory G
Fall 2002 Atmospheric Dynamics I U
Fall 2001 Atmospheric Dynamics II U
Spring 2001 Atmospheric Dynamics I U
